Hello friends
Just a minor suggestion that could be a big change, maybe
(Edit to add, appears this suggestion has been made in the past. You can read the original thread
I have been an eso player for many years and an avid pvper for much of that time. I believe that the heated debate over most pvp changes (the battlegrounds deathmatch queue, specifically) is largely due to the community being diverse in their definition of a win and inability to self select into pools of similar people. There's a wide spread of players with all kinds of goals, and while they're all valid, some of them are at just mechanically at odds with each other. Some people just want objectives, some people just want kills; some people want to group fight, some people want to solo; some people want to grief, some people want to rp as warriors in character, some people are anything and all in between. All of that is ok. But bgs in their current iteration really only provide the preferred pvp environment for a really limited type of gameplay at a time, and that really can't be changed without a major overhaul. We are currently unable to select for a game mode that we like the most, which often times puts us at odds with the players we queue into. We run something like a team lottery to match us with and against players who will make for our personal definitions of a good fight.
I've seen lots of different system designs and ideas from various members of the community, but I think that fitting in work on redesigning or even creating an entirely new thing (while pushing out server rearchitecture & a new expansion) just isn't a priority at the moment. I was thinking more about what could be done via minor adjustments of an existing system; duelling.
What if groups could duel? That'd fix a whole bunch of problems; everything from pvp practice to bg tournaments to sweaty GvGs could happen out in the world then. Just make it so when a group leader initiates a duel with another, it makes their respective members hostile too. The code is already there, they'd only have to extend the mini faction change to the player groups. It would give community leaders a lot more flexibility in organising pvp events for their people, from educating other players in pvp to allowing the sweaty sweats to duke it out the way they want to.
Matt's post in January on the pvp update (thank you) said that pvp changes weren't on the cards for quite a while, but that ways to make pvp more interesting in the meantime are. While im personally burning a candle for an arena system, I think we could have similar functionality with very minimal impact on the game's code by making a change like this. The current group size limit is 12 and the housing limit is 24, this change could see RP arenas become real ones and give housing players an avenue to showcase their work.
If youre reading this, lemme know what you think. I'm genuinely curious to get feedback from all different types of pvpers. Pve players even, would you be more likely to get into pvp if you could fight privately with your friends? Let me know!
Tldr: allow groups to duel when two group leads initiate. Let sweat nerds sweat and housing nerds get a piece of that sweet action.
(P.s. this is totally not because I want to create an arena in my new house for my friends. Not at all. Nothing to see here.)