Huh, really? Ive tried using it on a more brawley styled magblade and was thoroughly unimpressed by it. Just didnt feel it had enough bang for the buck.
I could see that. Since they nerfed it i dont even bother with minor protection. 5% on defense is almost laughable to me when you can get major protection just from slotting revealing flare.
In pvp the heal felt entirely to small to make a difference im im assuming because of battle spirit, and i use either shade or cloak frequently in fights and so keep near 100% uptime on passive.
Using it the way you do, i almost always choose refreshing path instead of dark cloak.
The heal makes it far more valuable imo.
NBs are always a battle for bar slots and both revealing flare and refreshing path serve the function of dark cloak better imo. Just depends on if youd prefer more mitigation or more healing.
On a stamblade, are you not using the spammable stam spammable from shadow skill line? Youd already be proccing the passive.
Well things are easy to see
Consuming darkness : just remove major protection and give it a huge unique damage mitigation instead, allow self synergy and remove the useless invisibility of it
Veil of blade is an offensive morph : if it sticked to your character like destro staff ult morph the snare would be immidiatly receiving a huge buff in utility as you can't just do a single roll dodge to negate it completley anymore
A significant damage increase would make it a viable melee AOE ult
Optionaly make it give a major debuff on top to any enemies inside
Bolestering darkness need to actually bolster something (preferably defence for tanks as it used to be) : Increase damage mitigation even more and change the synergy to also give back mag/stam alongside health
Optionaly grant all the major regen buffs for mag/stam/health for its duration