My apologies if this lengthy post comes across as negative or unintentionally offends anyone but I personally feel like the future of ESO chapters (expansions) is a topic worth discussing.
I feel like it honestly won't make a difference where we go in 2022 chapters/dlc when they cannot add anything new to the game. They admitted to us this year that they cannot add anything like combat skill lines, animations, classes, etc. because they are continuing to support the older consoles... which honestly feels depressing because the game has already been combat-stagnant for so long now when it could be growing instead of being stunted. They said they did not want to force players to upgrade their consoles - which is a very nice sentiment I can appreciate - but console gamers are going to want to upgrade to the latest console after so many years. It's only a matter of time before Microsoft or Sony stop supporting that older hardware too. Even for the average pc gamer, 5-7 years is typically when they start to consider upgrades anyway, the cost over time is very manageable at that point. In my opinion Square Enix made the right call with FF14 when they stopped supporting older hardware. It's just not feasible for a game like ESO - that is supposedly doing so, so well that they have millions of first-time players each year or whatever - to be stuck in the mud behind other titles. It just doesn't add up.
There is so much potential for ESO to grow and evolve and it just feels like it is being squandered on recycled content and excessive monetization. Chapter updates are barely delivering anything new now. I mean, the only feature in 2021 was two companions and relatively little quality of life. The Armory would have been a nice addition (especially for console players) if it wasn't so restricted and monetized. I appreciate they won't be doing another 'save the world ploy' in 2022 but even the writing has been in drastic decline since Summerset, so if all we're getting in 2022 is "a traditional Elder Scrolls story" without any meaningful expansions to combat or PvP, I'm kind of concerned it is going to be a year to skip or forget. There's already way too many sets and far more motifs in the game than anyone is ever going to realistically use, so I don't know why those aspects should still appeal to us with upcoming releases. I'm sure we'll get a new trial, new dungeons, and new crates in 2022 according to the release formula but honestly we have so many right now that I think it's time to focus those efforts on something original. Don’t get me wrong, I think that as a location Fargrave and the Deadlands were visually awesome with a somewhat interesting story but you have to admit that 2021 did not really expand the game in any meaningful way. I mean, how much cooler would the Deadlands have been if it enabled a Daedric Crescent skill line? Or what if the Markarth DLC in 2020 had enabled a Void Magic skill line? How much more awesome would that be?