Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

QoL Request: Radiant Glory

With the Radiant Destruction morph “Radiant Glory” used by pretty much ignored by players, there’s an opportunity to give function to this skill.

I propose converting Radiant Glory into a stamina morph that deals physical damage. It would still retain the 20% heal for damage afflicted. This would give stamina Templars another class skill to use. This change doesn’t harm magicka Templars as they exclusively use the other skill morph anyway.
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • ealdwin
    With the Radiant Destruction morph “Radiant Glory” used by pretty much ignored by players, there’s an opportunity to give function to this skill.

    I wouldn’t say that Radiant Glory is ignored in favor of the other morph. I’d say there’s probably a good split between those magplars who use Glory vs. Oppression. For instance, I personally prefer (and use) the RG morph on my Magplar when soloing content or in PVP, because to me the heal is more valuable than the variable damage increase that I have less control over.
  • JanTanhide
    I use Radiant Glory on all my Magicka Templars. The other morph is not worth it to me. The extra damage is based on the current Magicka pool and usually when I use Radiant Glory my Mag pool is low. Besides that the heal is what keeps my Templar alive in Vet content when all others are dead. And the heal is not based on the current magicka pool.

    I do think there needs to be some reworks on a lot of the Templar skills. Only a few are Stamina morphs. My Stamina Templar doesn't even unlock some of the Class passives since they are not used at all by Stamina Templars. That needs to change.
  • AlnilamE
    I'm also on team Radian Glory on my Magplar healer.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Radiant Glory is not popular on the theorycrafting websites that revolve around meta min/max Trial groups going for leaderboard scores and achievements. But it is popular among most other players, where staying alive is often much more important than hitting 94k DPS on a trial dummy instead of 91k DPS.
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    With the Radiant Destruction morph “Radiant Glory” used by pretty much ignored by players, there’s an opportunity to give function to this skill.

    I propose converting Radiant Glory into a stamina morph that deals physical damage. It would still retain the 20% heal for damage afflicted. This would give stamina Templars another class skill to use. This change doesn’t harm magicka Templars as they exclusively use the other skill morph anyway.

    Stam already has many versions on execute damage to use.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Girl_Number8
    Nah, there is no reason to. On a Stamplar you have better executes by far through the weapon skill lines. RG would not help your survivability with how the majority typically play on a splar....
  • HowlKimchi
    With the Radiant Destruction morph “Radiant Glory” used by pretty much ignored by players, there’s an opportunity to give function to this skill.

    I propose converting Radiant Glory into a stamina morph that deals physical damage. It would still retain the 20% heal for damage afflicted. This would give stamina Templars another class skill to use. This change doesn’t harm magicka Templars as they exclusively use the other skill morph anyway.

    Curious how you came to the conclusion that it's ignored by players. Did you ask magplars in-game? Or did you look up "meta" guides that want to parse as high as possible.

    I know a lot of magplars who use radiant glory for solo content like vet vateshran, and for pvp. Also, i'm not a fan of simply changing a skill from stamina to magicka especially when the skill in question is very clearly a beam of magical light that burns the life out of targets.
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • FantasticFreddie
    Make radiant destruction scale off max magicka rather than current magicka already
  • itscompton
    Executes available for use by Stamplar:

    Poison Injection-- Has great range and the DD portion of the ability scales up to do pretty solid numbers when the target is at low health plus at that point the dot puts serious pressure on classes without a cleanse. The dot also can be applied and ticking at the same time you hit someone with:
    Whirlwind - 360 degree AOE execute that starts with strong base damage numbers and scales up to extremely high damage
    Reverse slice/Executioner- the most reliable, quickest firing execute in the game with morphs that either make the damage AOE or increases the damage scaling so high that hitting someone at 25% health is more likely than not to actually finish them rather than leaving them with just enough health to heal all the way back above execute.

    But sure leave Magplar with 1 morph of 1 ability, and the one where you don't actually ever get any benefit from the morph bonus just to twist the knife a bit more.
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