Mmm... nah. They really nerfed the Furries of all things and gave Light armor increased damage taken from Physical attacks, along with other penalties, because y'all couldn't behave. Werewolves in PvE were basically glorified role players with 3k DPS and Light already takes the most damage by virtue of having the least armor; what was the point of adding penalties to armor types in PvE again? Who wants their tanks in a party to be even slower, why couldn't all those have been PvP-only changes? We just wanna grill over here man, leave us alone.So I would suggest people not blame the "other side" for nerfs or buffs.
Weak classes? Every class in the game has its strong side and players who get creative using gear, class and race to optimize these “weak” classes or any class, shouldn’t get punished because others can’t weave light attacks or cancel an animation.
With that written, I think these complaints are absolutely justified and the blame placed where it should be. As you said PVE players would just use the skills rather than complain they are too strong. Only people who complain like that, that I’ve seen, are low level players getting pwnd by a high level players in pvp.
Every time there is a nerf to abilities/sets/passives or whatever, my tanks suffer. And since these seem to be prompted by pvp players in heavy armor doing high damage or being unkillable, deep down I will resent them, even though I am aware it's also a matter of player skill (mine is rather limited, I do my best but I'll always be a potato).
It is really really hard not to blame the other side for various nerfs throughout the years.
and Light already takes the most damage by virtue of having the least armor; what was the point of adding penalties to armor types in PvE again?
Nerfs blamed on PvPers or PvEers are not healthy for the player base, people are divided and it promotes a us vs them mentality.
No PvE player will call for a nerf to an overpowered ability, we will just use it. Thats why PvP and PvE perspective is important for balance.
Classes have to be balanced to each other as well or everyone plays the one overpowered class, this can be clearly seen in PvE logs as well as PvP areas.
The weak classes are just avoided except for a few people sticking to "their class", sometimes those few people get avoided and replaced with people on a more beneficial class.
So I would suggest people not blame the "other side" for nerfs or buffs.
Grandchamp1989 wrote: »Elo you're right.. very right.. actually super right.
And to PVPer's in the crossfire accept my deepest apologies when I felt things got too salty.
But.. But..
Imagine this
You're a beautiful PVE player and you got a brother right
Your amazing father whom we all love dearly (Zos) gives you a nice car to share with your brother because he loves you (and you pay a little but who counts).
He gives you.. a ferrari!
You being the appreciative handsome son really enjoys this car. And you're happy to take your brother for a ride in it!
But then your brother runs to dad and says "The car drives too fast, it makes me dizzy and gives an headache - please sell it and give us a new car"
And your Father being the awesome dad he is... He sells the car and buys you slower, although still nice car.
He buys you a BMW.. Not a supercar - but enough to still gets noticed, right.
The handsome son thank his father and takes his brother for a ride in it..
Handsome brother is like: "Say brother.. This is a nice car eh?"
And your brother (to your surprise) is like "No, it smells.. and I don't like tinted windows - get rid of it!"
And this continues and continues
And you're like DAD! Please! Can you maybe give us each our own car because we apparantly don't have the same taste in cars?
And your awesome dad is like "No! Learn to play nice with your brother"
Fast forward till today where the handsome brother is now stuck in an old Mini Car with his brother (whom he still loves dearly).
The End....
TheBonesXXX wrote: »There's only one way to balance a numbers in an MMO, around the classes. It goes class, race, gear, then mobs.
Mobs should always be built around a character.
TheBonesXXX wrote: »There's only one way to balance a numbers in an MMO, around the classes. It goes class, race, gear, then mobs.
Mobs should always be built around a character.
The problem is for PVE you are supposed to have different classes/races that can only do certain things, that's what makes if fun. But in PVP they want to make everything the same, so nothing is better than anything else. Just SKILL.
My proposal has always been to do what they are doing in PVE. Then for PVP have ONLY ONE RACE, CLASS, skill line and ONE set of equipment that is all balanced. Then let people duke it out. Then we will definitely know who are the most skilled (at pushing buttons).