I played before the release of Flames of Oblivion. Now I don't play anymore.
I'm just done with this.
Mist form was a cheap, functional alternative to block. And I understood the PVP whiners, that because of Strategic Reserve, health regen was too much. I get it.
But it could have been so : remove the applicability of Strategic Reserve during Mist Form. I got it, no procs in Cyrodiil.
But hell no, Zenimax pushed it beyond the limit. Killed all the healing procs from the sets also, so now Blood Mist is left with its puny healing alone.
I'm so sick of this. Sick to get the sets, tinker with them, commit resources, upgrade to epic, to see everything trashed by Zenimax Central.
I'm so absolutely freakin sick with this!
"Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!
I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...