They listed in the PTS patch notes this patch the incorrect information:
Major Maim: Decreased to 10%, down from 25%.
Major Vulnerability: Decreased to 10%, down from 25%.
and last PTS cycle they said the Halls of Fabrication sets were adjusted from 4 people in total to 6, however, the reality was that they adjusted it from 3 people(Including the caster) to 6.
The new debuff changes they made are actually this:
Major Maim: Decreased to 10%, down from 30%.
Major Vulnerability: Decreased to 10%, down from 30%.
I think that these are too significant of a reduction because both of these debuffs given how low you made their minors. I think making it 10% for minor and 15% for major would be a more interesting aspect of these. I just think we need to make sure the information we are sharing is accurate to be transparent with the community about what the changes are actually. I know it's not entirely your fault, Gina. I think we need to be clear because if those making the changes think they're 25% and not 30% it could affect the balance measures being used. Anyway that's all guys, I just wanted to make sure to share this correct information.