Someone else has the same birthday as this oneJust the weekly (mostly) maintenance.
I would like to claim they are doing it for my birthday but alas all to common to make that claim.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »Yikes! I always have the main forum page up and there is always a maintenance banner up - showing when maintenance will be. Out of curiousity I clicked the little 'X' in the corner of the banner and it disappeared. Now I can't get it to come back up! Anyone know how to do that?
NOW there is a banner up. Ok, nps.
NOW there is a banner up. Ok, nps.
It's been there for at least a day, if not two. They're looking into the fact that announcements no longer appear on individual forum pages, but all it needs is to bookmark the main page instead of the General Discussion page which is then only a single click away and there's no need to miss any announcements.
0lbertikus wrote: »Servers back on again?