Constantly queued and unablke to queue for dungeons

This bug is currently affecting two of my characters: Sordid and Lemplar. The constatly show in dungeon finder queue, even after just logging in. I will never join a dungeon and can rack up many hours 'queued'. They are unable to leave the queue, or change any dungeon difficulties. If anyone invtes them to the group, I will bug the group so they are unable to queue for dungeon finder too.

Tested this on a vanilla( no addons) build and can replicate the error.
  • CristiC
    Can't leave queue once queued. Joined a group where a member queued but nothing happened, group was full. We couldn't leave queue. We ended up porting, meanwhile the queue status kept disappearing and reappearing each time a player entered the dungeon. After finishing the dungeon and disbanding the group, guess what, all of us were still in queue. As of this moment all my toons can't use queue finder. This issue needs attention pls.
    Edited by CristiC on July 21, 2020 2:32PM
  • Wolf81
    I posted a similar issue/bug ticket just recently one alt is locked into permo que, which seems to prevent my other alts using the dungeon finder can't it to clear.
  • ZOS_Bill
    With multiple threads regarding this issue with being stuck in queue, we are going to close the discussion. If you've not done so, please open a ticket with customer support for assistance.
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