The Zos devs get a lot of flak for changes they make, and rightfully so. However, while I know some things got harder than they probably should have (Zaan, for example) and some things are uh...overperforming, to put it lightly (Master's 2h, anyone?) I think this is the best patch we've seen since Q1 last year. The changes were largely reasonable and not too heavy-handed. Most of the alterations to sets were functional with logical reasoning behind them. Even the arena weapon changes are mostly cosmetic for back bar and underutilized sets, but meaningful for a few that will encourage farming but not create an endless grind where you absolutely positively have to have them all. Also, A++++ for finally dumpstering the nonsensical bash weave meta. Thank you. That alone absolves a lot of sins in my eyes.
I'd give this a solid 8/10. It accomplished a lot, fixed a lot of things that were way too long coming (synergies, pets getting BT, etc) and didn't completely unbalance the climate. It avoided gross, sweeping changes that derail the entire meta. I approve. Show Zos some love when they get it mostly right, boys.