try again. steam launcher launches before you ever connect to a server so pc na has nothing to do with it. ask on the steam forums for help. there is where you can get help. steam is not here to help you. Also, i use steam and have NO issues with launching the game so it may very well be specific to your machine. Finally... after reading your post i launched steam launcher and it processed an update before launching so it probably has already been patched for folks who had a problem, likely because they went to steam forums for help with a steam issue.
Yup, logged into eu and na without a hitch.
Edited by Lady_Linux on November 28, 2019 3:47AM
I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.
Steam might need an update. It does this stupid crashing crap every few months. Last time (for me) it needed an update. Time before it was some other stupid thing. I'm about due for the steam insanity as well. *sigh* Not the game though, sorry.
Edited by MercilessnVexed on November 28, 2019 3:48AM
Iv restarted steam a few times along with my PC im running a repair on the actual ESO launcher idk if thatl do it though naturally putting PC NA was intended to see if anyone else was having the issue or its just on my end far as steam goes it works the launcher for ESO via the library is where the hang up happened
Edited by Stellarvorous on November 28, 2019 3:52AM