@ZOS, I hope you realise, that you guys not going to get any useful stress test result data tomorrow. It may do some good PR to the event, but for gathering performance data it will predictably fail, because you trying to do it in a very wrong way.
First, it a very short one day notice. Many people who would actually like to partake will simply don't even know about it because of the short notice.
Second, timing. It's a middle of the week, while most people is online playing on the weekends. Additionally it's just one hour in the middle of the day in the American continent and chances are most people from there will be at work or school unable to participate, it is also very early morning in Asia and Australia when people still sleeping, so realistically only people from Europe will be able to log in at that time.
What you can only expect with these conditions is just a few people, nowhere near enough for any stress test on the servers.
If you really want to do a performance and stress test:
- Advertise well in advance, at least a week or possibly even two before it happens
- Advertise ingame as well, not just here on the forum. An example that announcement on login you put there finally would be useful for something
- Put it on the weekend, on Saturday, when more people will be able to participate. Especially if they know in advance and can allocate their weekend time for it
- Pick a time interval when more people around the globe will be awake and online, preferably an interval which covers more than one continent. Like 13:00-15:00 UTC, which is early afternoon in Europe and late night in Asia and midnight in Australia. Or 22:00-24:00 UTC which is late night in Europe and afternoon/evening in America. Or even doing both of these.