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Screen tearing and background flickering in Craglorn...

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but as of the last patch the backgrounds in Craglorn have been tearing, flickering and changing rapidly (flickering-style) between one background and normal (like a clear view while travelling along roads replaced by images of mountains for a brief instant). Gameplay is unaffected, but it's both distracting as well as annoying.
  • BruceAndre
    Yes, Xbox One X is also performing the same way. Agreed , it's a little hard on the eyes.
  • KennisMenace
    Yes,much flickering and tearing in Craglorn, takes away from the game, very distracting, I have an x model also!
  • ZOS_Bill
    Is this only happening in Craglorn or does it occur in any other areas?

    If you've already tried the performance troubleshooting here, the next thing you can do is open a ticket with customer support to report this issue.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • KennisMenace
    I have only seen it in Craglorn myself, I have not noticed it in other areas!
  • argouru
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    Is this only happening in Craglorn or does it occur in any other areas?

    If you've already tried the performance troubleshooting here, the next thing you can do is open a ticket with customer support to report this issue.

    I've only been seeing it happen in Craglorn and only since the Murkmire update.
  • HerrPulaRau
    Until recently I noticed it only in Craglorn, but now it also happens in AA... is getting worse and is really bad on the eyes. Pls. pls. pls. fix this!!! For last weeks I just avoided Craglorn and Craglorn trials.. is good content and would be sad for ppl not to able to see it.
    Edited by HerrPulaRau on May 16, 2019 8:24PM
  • Blinkin8r
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    Is this only happening in Craglorn or does it occur in any other areas?

    If you've already tried the performance troubleshooting here, the next thing you can do is open a ticket with customer support to report this issue.

    I got so excited to see that Zos finally replied to this bug and it wasn't simply "Yo nerds we removed some of your comments. Stop being meanies." Sadly, all we get is a non answer saying to report it which has been done hundreds of times.
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • SirAndy
    Still getting this in Crag as of last night ...


  • JadeCoin
    I am also experiencing this flickering on Xbox. It only affects Craglorn.
  • DarkSajuuk
    Am also seeing screen flickering/tearing in Craglorn on my Xbox. I only ever see it while in Craglorn.
  • Sathukai
    It's pretty bad in Craglorn but I do see it in other zones from time to time, just a tree flickering here and there.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Occurs only in Craglorn so far as of 5/27
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Hippie4927
    I get it in Craglorn and in Cyrodiil.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • WhyMustItBe
    I experience this as well, also only in Craglorn.

    It affects the distant LOD or textures rendering into range. It sort of reminds me of z-fighting except the overlap areas flicker completely black.
  • maboleth
    +1 for me also. Craglorn. Happens after 30mins or more after being in the zone.

    PC EU Nvidia 1060, latest drivers, W10.
    Edited by maboleth on May 30, 2019 9:45PM
  • Kurat
    It happens to me also PC/NA. But it starts after about 30 minutes. Same flickering also in AA trial.
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