If you play random BGs.. How long before u get frustrated and why? xD
For me its always the first match, im actually starting to wonder why i still bother playing it when the queue works..
Then i remember that i continue play it because my game doesnt work in cyrodiil..
I get frustrated when i play a low mmr char, because my team ignore healers and WWs and focuses the tanks -.- , or plainly just hides on top of the base spamming snipe during the whole match...
I get frustrated on my high mmr char, because its the same premade immortal Earthgore warden/templar ballgroups with deadly AoEs yet, they cant be killed, because of being
silver leashed into the zerg, Steel Tornadoed, WWs, 15k snipes from the invisible enemy on the other side of the map,
those *** petsorcs or zookeepers as i call them hiding in their runes surrounded by their 4 guardians, and i could go on forever..
I used to pvp 10hrs a day, now i play the game for like 1 BGs match, then i turn of the computer and watch Netflix instead..
How bout u, how do u feel about the current stage of PVP and BGs?