So yesterday I suddenly became an emperor, not just an emperor, but a lvl 7 one, with some passives opened even. The same moment my char got both vampire and werewolf skillines, but in exchange for such power my psijic passives were taken away, and when I tried to take it back, it just ate my skillpoint, like a greedy vending machine. Earlier my other char got TG and DB skillines even though I am not a sub atm and dont own those dlcs (not to mention the noble templare...ness of this toon which wont allow her to touch such filth hehe). Really hope I wont be banned for this, and it wont be seen as an exploit. Emperor skilline didnt give me any title and/or costume, which is a bit sad. Reloadui fixed it (but not the stolen skillpoint

), but would be great to know, if it is a common bug and will it be shooed away in future.