Zos's dlc's usually come out pretty great. As far back as I can go the actual new content is pretty god damn good.
The accompanying base game update tho, its always a train wreck, like literally always.
why is this, do you think they need to spend more time with it on pts? Are they releasing them to frequently? Would you like to see dlc and base game updates separated in the future?
Nothing in my game has ever been a 'trainwreck' so I'm not sure what you are talking about. Sure, we get the occasional bug/glitch with the updates, but I wouldn't call that a trainwreck.
The trouble with base game updates is that they don't seem able to look at the game as a whole before they make sweeping changes. They see a problem with one area of the game and their 'fix' for it usually destroys something else.
There's been some good things in them too, but they have a habit of taking good ideas and making them just a bit wonky. Housing would have been so much better with a higher cap, real storage and things like full functionality for assistants placed there. Outfits are a fantastic idea ruined by high costs which could easily have been perfect just by removing the cost to dye.
Only PC gets a PTS server that provides player given feedback. Consoles just have to deal with what we're given.
But i don't know what you consider to be a train wreck as the game remains playable, and that's all that really matters in the end.
I mean theres always issues, sustain issues from morrowind, things that need to be immediate nerfed next patch despite for warning, jewelry crafting with summerset that needed tweaking at launch and we al new it needed tweaking at launch.
The story is aways fun, the zone, costumes motifs, new furniture is always beautiful but outside from the new things theres always thing that feel like they need more time to go back and refine that has to be launched with the accompanying update
Calling the base game update a “train wreck” and then asking for constructive comments isn’t exactly setting a good foundation for discussion ... is it?