I will eventually play whatever suits me, however, I feel it is a tad foolhardy to jump in without
some research .
That being said, am I incorrect in assuming that the Magic variant of most classes are preferred over the Stamina variants?
From what I have read:
- people criticize DKs and Templars a fair bit.
- magicka is better than stamina generally. (more power for abilities, can use stamina for running/dodge)
- people say NB's and Sorcs are OP
- people say race doesn't matter (just like rlf

What say you fellow travelers? Could anyone shed some light toward these points?
was aiming for an Orc, who would be either a Templar or a DK, and I had Stamina in mind. I feel I have been persuaded a little from my original "going to do what i want" attitude..
those damn 'internets' ...
Appreciate the help.