Was it new dungeons? Answer is it's sometimes impossible to now work with some people. Why dps checks, tank checks and healer checks. There's increase risks for failing this if you say die on mobs, tank gets one shotted or drops to 2k health after 1 hit. Spaming snipe...or light attacks. Real question is how do you say to your teammate or stranger you just started working together it's not me but it's you nicely.
Was it new dungeons? Answer is it's sometimes impossible to now work with some people. Why dps checks, tank checks and healer checks. There's increase risks for failing this if you say die on mobs, tank gets one shotted or drops to 2k health after 1 hit. Spaming snipe...or light attacks. Real question is how do you say to your teammate or stranger you just started working together it's not me but it's you nicely.
I did nBloodroot tonight and on the Hagraven two people got caught in the large AoE and I couldnt Heal them through it. After all the adds ganged me into oblivion I asked why they didnt get out of the red. I got called an ass hole for that.
Congrats on the reward!
As for vote kicks it's a weird culture going on right now. Not everyone is like it but there are elements of the community who feel they alone choose who's worthy of groups and what performance level players should be at.
It's not every PUG so just be friendly, do your best and have fun where you can.
I don't usually initiate a vote kick, but if the player being voted on continuously fails to perform after having mechanics explained, then I will vote yes to the kick. I've spent a lot of time in this game with my wife helping people (literally carrying them) through every Vet DLC dungeon and sometimes on HM... for them to leave without a word of thank you. So we have adopted a more selfish approach and only put the time into helping people who actually seem nice (we're helping some nice people with vFL no death this evening cause they were nice to us after we helped them with vFL HM)
Toxicity goes both ways, at the end of the day. I'm a skilled player, what one might consider 'elite' but I'm also generally quite helpful. I don't get angry or abusive when people fail. But I also don't like people taking me for a mug and being toxic towards me, even if they are new or whatever.
Actually the turning point in my wife and I's attitudes towards helping people was her healing a pug of vet mazzatun. None of the 3 other players had done the dungeon before and so she, as the lovely person she is, explained every mechanic to them for every boss and stayed with them for like 3 hours. She has healed mazzatun no death and HM many times, and tanked it also, so she knows what she's doing. By the end of it, all 3 players started blaming her for the failure at last boss, even though none of them had a shield or blade cloak slotted and were not even playing the mechanics right. They insulted her and so she left and we are much more cautious of helping people out now
Toxicity can come from new players, not just the elites
Rant over sorry