So I pugged a dungeon today with my healer. After the final boss someone whispered me and asked what I was running. I replied with combat physician/ prayer shawl expecting a “that’s wierd”. Nope, should have known. Here comes the giant wall of text about guess what.... the meta. I stopped chasing the meta back in the vet16 day’s for basically this reason. Got sick of meta-boys constantly telling me and anyone else around them that only this “ insert flavor of the month set here” is viable, and if you’re not wearing it you might as well stick to questing.
So here’s the real reason this enraged me. I went back to pugging simply because there’s a lot of new people in the game lately. I figured I get to have fun helping some new people learn some mechanics, skills etc. what I ran into was disgusting. I got to play with a lot of new people, but not the way I expected. One example: got into fungal 2 ( I’m usually tanking). All three people were below cp180. Struggled a bit here and there but beat it. Not a peep in the voice/text chat the entire time,so I whispered them after the last boss to see if they needed any help/ gear/ advice. And you know why they weren’t talking to me? Because next to my name there’s the number “ 690”. Up to this point, all three of them had never made it past the first mob in this dungeon without being kicked. One had to be told he was incompetent and had no business being in a vet dungeon.... before he got kicked. Never even made it to the first mob. This is generally what I hear a lot. They get told they need this set or that set, some kind of monster set ( kind of hard to get without keys), I have the most fun in this game helping people. So thanks meta-boys/ 690 elitists, now I’ve been lumped in with you a-holes and helping people has become harder.
Pray to god meta- boys/ 690 elitists, if you see me in a pug, the other two players aren’t friends of mine. I garuntee if you reveal yourself you will be kicked when the final boss is in execute.
Rant over I guess. Throw your salt my way meta-boys/ 690 elitists, my front porch is a bit icy. I will not be responding to your posts anyway.