boombazookajd wrote: »Feb 27th is in all reality, March 1st. I'm shaking my head at you ZoS. What a load of crap. The 12th is a legit date but the 27th?! Come on...
Two big fat thumbs down. I truly hope the wait is worth it!
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »ZOS has decided that to them it’s more important to push out PC updates as soon as they possibly can.
They don’t actually care about console release dates as much as PC in terms of the release effective date.
While there are arguments suggesting whose fault it’s the developers who are in control
It’s a simple polish, present, clean, polish present and when everything is green lighted then you announce new DLC and spend that time PTS and testing it for quality.
Not how things are done around here but hey what do I know.....I just play games
It would be more logical to release within the same week and get approved 60-90 days out so you can minimize the issues then launch day isn’t chaos......
Instead release day is a forum of this per platform
boombazookajd wrote: »Feb 27th is March 1st? Eh?
*checks calendar*
*scratches head*
Which reality is this?
Is it because of a tesseract or something?
Oh relax, February 27th is barely February. It is practically March. Hell by the time the damn DLC downloads, it WILL be March. My point is still valid, they say February and one doesn't expect to get the DLC on the second to last day of the month. It is, February, sure but come on... it's not really "February"
Anyway, I'm arguing a mute point. Maybe I'm the only one irked by the long wait but my question has been answered.