"CP Elitists" (AKA players who gauge whether or not other players are good enough to run dungeons with them based on their CP) have been appearing more and more often in my PUG groups, often resulting in the Elitist leaving our group to repeat this behavior somewhere else 15 minutes later... So I wanted to put some thoughts to the community to hopefully put this ideal in perspective.
CP Elitists completed the same content with people 129CP less a year and a half ago.
Being an Elitist when the CP cap was 561 meant the "most elite" completed content with 561CP. A year and a half later, the majority of the veteran content out there is exactly the same as it was in One Tamriel, only the players have gained CP. With this in mind, you could say instant vote-kicking someone between 690 and 561CP is basically admitting maxCP a year ago was not good enough to run the content. And of course, we know that to be false, since we all completed content!
CP has been frontloaded for almost a year, meaning the benefits of more CP is less effective
I used the Morrowind CP optimal distribution for a mage with the same CP build as a rough starting point to calculate the average percent difference in damage for each CP level. This is just a very basic comparison, but the difference was laughable.
- The average difference between a character with 690CP and a fresh vet at 160CP is is approximately 19.79%
- The average difference between a character with 690CP and 300CP is approximately 13.26%
- The average difference between a character with 690CP and 561CP is approximately 3.93%
If this is accurate, it suggests that Elitists are always kicking based on less than 20% and often vote-kicking players for less than a 5% character power difference. Which brings me to my next point...
Skills and knowledge mean far more than CP ever will
If Combat prayer adds 8% damage, and 129 CP adds 4% damage, which is more important? Of course, the elitist will say "Well, I want a cp690 healer who runs combat prayer", and sure, that is ideal, but... we have ALL run PUG's and they are rarely ideal. In fact, there are many max cp players who have 0 clue what they are doing. Instantly kicking someone based on CP rather than skill says that the CP is more important. Which mathematically makes no sense.
Or in other words,
CP doesn’t matter as much as knowledge and teamwork does. And I'm not even going to get into how 690 CPs can be invested to be absolutely worthless. Or the limited effect 690CPs actually has on roles like tanking and healing. Or even, the fact that before we couldn't even see each others CP!
In conclusion I would like to ask the community to re-think the inclination to vote-kick the next time you see a lower CP player in your PUG group, or even the importance of recruiting max-level CP players to your premades. CP really means very little in the grand scheme of veteran dungeons.
Edited by Inarre on January 31, 2018 6:06PM