Waffennacht wrote: »I didn't know there was a mechanic to this stage until someone said so.
You're not a fraud, the whole point of vMA is just: DPS!
Mettaricana wrote: »I litterally steam rolled her before any mechanic was relevant
Despite completing vMA twice, I'm not very sure how to kill the final boss of stage 6. When I try to work the mechanics, I'm never able to uncover more than 3 of the pillars before I die. Also, my magplar needs to be in melee range to heal with sweeps, so I can't stand far away and get healed, without slotting another skill.
The first time I killed the boss, I didn't really understand what was happening. Just DPS.
The second time, I tried the mechanics, uncovering pillars etc. I died over and over (and over). Until I said "Screw this". Imma gonna DPS.
The third time around, same thing. All I know is how to just burst down the final boss.
Here was the third time around when I decided to just ignore mechanics.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z98aZrd9K_I
Honestly, I feel like a fraud. I'm a conservative player by nature, and I want to do it the slow way, using the mechanics. But whenever I do that, I just die again and again. Videos on youtube show the boss fight starting with 4 pillars uncovered, then using the last one to stun the boss for the win. I don't like that because if you die, you don't have that luxury. Like I said, I'm a safe player by nature.
Do you have suggestions for how to get through this fight in a more "standard" way? A way that doesn't require me to constantly be at range because I can only heal when I'm attacking an enemy with sweeps.
Every time the horver bug spawns hit him with 1 light attack and he will follow you. Lead him to a covered pillar and kill him by it which will uncover the pillar. Then do dps and clear ads and the spiders that cover pillars until the next horver bug spawns and lead him again to a pillar.
Every time the horver bug spawns hit him with 1 light attack and he will follow you. Lead him to a covered pillar and kill him by it which will uncover the pillar. Then do dps and clear ads and the spiders that cover pillars until the next horver bug spawns and lead him again to a pillar.
^ This. And if you happen to accidentally kill one of those BUGers to far away from a pillar you can stand in the spot where he died and hit the Synergy key to throw the spit at a webbed pillar. Run the little spiders through the lighted pillars to ward them off.
Valera Progib wrote: »Did you come to vMA as a healer? Obviously you have to DPS...
Every time the horver bug spawns hit him with 1 light attack and he will follow you. Lead him to a covered pillar and kill him by it which will uncover the pillar. Then do dps and clear ads and the spiders that cover pillars until the next horver bug spawns and lead him again to a pillar.
Back in the old days, where it took 1,5h to complete vMSA, there you had to play the mechanics. Now with all the powercreep, its just DPS burn & no mechanics
What exactly is it that is giving you the impression you can't do this fight in melee range?
Back in the old days, where it took 1,5h to complete vMSA, there you had to play the mechanics. Now with all the powercreep, its just DPS burn & no mechanics
Valera Progib wrote: »Did you come to vMA as a healer? Obviously you have to DPS...
His DPS is decent enough though.... (even without sigils)