Zeni should introduce Cases to replace the lesser consumables in Crates.
The Cases contain their own random array of items, like a new higher tier of Mythological rewards, and can also be bought with Gems. Contents of Cases can be traded for Scrip to buy Case content.
Then you introduce Boxes inside Cases that contain the ultra rare Pandimensional rewards and a new monetary unit of Beads.
So you buy crowns to get Crates which provide Gems to get Cases which provide Scrip to buy Boxes which provide Beads to buy stuff, including HyperGigaApex mounts like the Dodge Charger Hellcat or Clockwork Attack Helicopter.
At some point, thanks to dark Daedric magic, Boxes will begin to contain... Crates. At this point it’s possible to buy a few crates and get lost in an infinite loop of the Crate Case Box Repeat continuum with asymptotically decreasing awards, forever pulling the addicted further down the rabbit hole, chasing that singularity point that never converges.
Bung the whole thing into a few spare Linux boxes over in the corner rack, and boom- server issues fixed.