Does anyone else find it unacceptable that the developers are asking for info on the load screens in PvP, when I know in PS4 it's like every 3rd or 4th death, you really can't miss it if your playing.
This tells me they really don't even know their own game.
The load screens are so obvious it is insulting.
How do you make any decisions on the game when you are so lightly involved.
This explains a lot.
It explains why you keep nerfing the wrong things. Defense, sheild stacking, sustain are so high in PvP right now about half the people don't die. I played a Battlegrounds Deathmatch, the high score was 5. 7 people had ZERO deaths. - yet you have nerfed poison's, proc sets, sheild breaker on a staff- pssst.. The whole game is troll tanks and you don't even know it. Seriously, where do you get your feedback from?- I know, whining in the forum. Probably why MagSorcs keep getting buffs.. You do realize most of the forums are Meta players whining because their Meta Build isn't Meta Enough right? and everytime something different comes along, you nerf it.
- In fact, what are there 4, .maybe 5 competitve builds in CP PvP now days? But I'm sure you don't know that, because you don't even understand how bad the loading screens are.