Ummm.... wut?
You want them to keep making new content but not charge anything for it? Or you want them to stop making new content? Or you want the new content they make to be pointless fluff that you can happily live without?
How about they keep making great content on a consistent cycle and charge a fair price for the work they put in to make it...?
Hello forums!
First, I'm playing this game since beta and absolutely love it. I don't plan to leave it or anything.
Dear Zenimax,
If you want to maintain stable community, your DLC policy SHOULD change.
You want to release 3 DLC + one chapter a year, at least one of the DLCs will cost some money.
I know ESO+ exists, but there are still many players who just want to buy the DLC once and for ever.
Zenimax, if you will continue adding DLCs with current policy you will reach Paradox Crisis.
The DLCs will cost much more than the base game.
It's not Europa Universalis IV when they don't do almost anything.
In ESO they are really important part of the game.
I spent quite some money on ESO, it was worth it, but still, I don't want to see the game fall into the trouble like that.
Storymaster wrote: »Some people are determined not to sub at any cost, and yet they still want the world for free.
Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Storymaster wrote: »Some people are determined not to sub at any cost, and yet they still want the world for free.
Gimme, gimme, gimme!
I've subbed since I bought the game before release.
I don't think I'm a 'Gimme, gimme, gimme!' player if I think that after paying a sub for several years to help float the costs of the game and subsidize the costs of people who pay nothing, that I've amortized the purchase price of previous years DLCs to some extent, and just maybe by the 3rd year I ought not lose the ability to play the first years DLCs if I stop subbing.
Hello forums!
First, I'm playing this game since beta and absolutely love it. I don't plan to leave it or anything.
Dear Zenimax,
If you want to maintain stable community, your DLC policy SHOULD change.
You want to release 3 DLC + one chapter a year, at least one of the DLCs will cost some money.
I know ESO+ exists, but there are still many players who just want to buy the DLC once and for ever.
Zenimax, if you will continue adding DLCs with current policy you will reach Paradox Crisis.
The DLCs will cost much more than the base game.
It's not Europa Universalis IV when they don't do almost anything.
In ESO they are really important part of the game.
I spent quite some money on ESO, it was worth it, but still, I don't want to see the game fall into the trouble like that.
[Edit to remove profanity from title]