For Pete's sake ZoS, get your poo together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your poo, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the poo store and sell it, or put it in the poo museum. I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it together. Get your poo together and fix xbox chat.
In all seriousness
Chat keeps joining and leaving same channel none stop
Rezoning bumps you from chat and then same issue as before.
Logging into game you litterally right off the bat have to pull power source from controller and put it back in before you can hear anyone or they can hear you and pray it works.
These issues were always there but, are getting worse each update. I am sure there are more then what I named off.
Edited by Malacthulhu on September 27, 2017 8:42PM Xbox One Na