Currently resource regen works by either regen stacking, or heavy attacking. Which, works. But since heavy attacks only restore one resource type, you're usually shoehorned into slotting abilities on that bar that correspond to that weapon resource return type. As well as being shoehorned into weapon types depending on what resource you want to choose.
So, my suggestion would be to increase Resource Regen by a fair amount while the player is not using a particular resource pool. This would completely separate resource regen from weapons entirely. Allowing players a much greater choice in how they wish to play.
Each pool would have its own timer. So, if the player wants to regen stamina faster, they could heavy attack (which costs no resources currently), they could light attack, they could use a magicka ability (using magicka and pausing magicka regeneration), or just do nothing, and vice versa for magicka.
Why would this be beneficial?
It would allow a greater variety of builds for players. That low magicka pool will regen more quickly so you can slot magicka abilities on a stamina character and use them more frequently instead of just heavy attacking. (the downside being that you can't cast as many spells before it runs dry and you have to stop for a bit as well as lower ability damage from a smaller resource pool) and vice versa for stamina.
It would function like this:
Stamina: Not consuming stamina or blocking for 0.5 seconds returns [x] stamina to the player. Being interrupted prior to this tick returns [x]/(T/0.5) where T is the time since the last tick.
Magicka: Not consuming Magick or blocking (Ice Staff) for 0.5 seconds returns [x] magicka to the player. Being interrupted prior to this tick returns [x]/(T/0.5) where T is the time since the last tick.
This is separate from the Regen Bonuses and is only effected by CP and converted armor/weapon passives that originally were heavy attack regen bonus passives
This regen would be considered separate from "Comabt Regen" in that it is unaffected by regen buffs.
However, you may say that this would re-introduce the infinite sustain issue that arose before, and while technically true, it would be so in a different way.
Infinite sustain would be attainable via balancing your build over hybrid skills that use magicka and stamina in conjunction with one another.
So, wouldn't this be detrimental to singe resource stacking builds?
Not quite, single resource builds would still gain a burst damage potential, but would have to fall back to heavy attacking to regain the resource. It would be a bit less interesting, but the burst damage would be higher than hybrid builds, but balancing it out with the "rest period".
All in all Hybrid builds would be better for sustain but deal lower overall burst damage (damage per ability) but have a higher ability usage uptime as a result in speccing into different areas (spreading out attribute points to gain an even level of damage on abilities) and not needing to heavy attack as much (if at all). While resource stacking would heavily benefit burst damage (damage per ability) while causing more frequent "pause" duration's. Over prolonged periods this should allow damage output to normalize adding even greater diversity to end-game content.
Edited by Avran_Sylt on June 5, 2017 6:52PM
Tie Increased Resource regen to Pausing Resource Pool Usage. 40 votes
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