I'm not bashing support but either
1. The templates we use don't gather the best info to allow them to effectively respond
2. The templates are set for them to engage us but too many requests come in
3. They aren't there for support, their job is to respond and that causes us to get frustrated
4. A combination of 1-3
Edit: I do actually think their jobs are to gather info for a tech to resolve but many experiences don't get that far.
My template if for some reason my horse training and research stopped for two days while being logged off (actual issue).
-prefil character name
-profile platform/server
-drop downs (character issue, item issue, server issue, bug, crown, subscription)
-length issue exists
-250 chars (what happened)
What else tho cause this isnt getting the info any better in my opinion.
Edited by NewBlacksmurf on April 6, 2017 12:59AM -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501