So been playing a few days and learned a bit. I don't like healing in ESO, not my style. I think I will like tanking but right now I dont know the game/mobs and feel like I need to learn their abilities before I could become a good tank. So that leaves me with DPS. My wife is playing a magika ranged Sorc so I am leaning toward melee. I would like a melee class that has good self healing and great DPS. My end goal is to be able to play trials. But I know my play-style and I am not a fan of having to micro manage a TON of buffs. Now a few of-course I know I am going to have to do but I rather not have to maintain 5+ to be optimal. If its a mix of debuffs that get applied when I attack that's fine or if there is a decent marco that combines a couple or something then that's good also but if I have to every 5 seconds reapply a buff I will lose interest fast. I prefer to enjoy the view of the battle and be engaged in the game not focusing on buff timers on my addons if that makes sense.
I am open to every class but I would put Sorc last because my wife is one. I am open to any race also (would prefer whats considered best).
Looking forward to your suggestions. Thank you