You know zenimax i really understand, i really do, that a lot goes into this game. I truly admire the vast expanse of eso, and am a big fan of the little things. The nooks, the crannies, the Easter eggs, the nods to previous games and other genres.. BUT is it that much to ask for you guys to tell us WHAT IS GOING ON?! please, same error as the other night, and others on my friends list can confirm.. Please just let me know at least why this keeps happening. And if you dont know thats fine. Trust me the people that take honest answers and things like ETA's at face value and not as a 100% confirmation, are the majority, not the ones who will flip if you dont know whats wrong, or flip if your late on your 2 hour estimation of server down time.
But anyway, this is happening to me and others, please fix it so i can sit in my $150 mansion, LOVE YOU.