Indeed, which is why it won't happen, it would make it easier to decorate a home with rare or hard to get items if several players' effoert could be pooled .. clearly that goes against ZOS idea of this new grind, which is obviously intended to be humongous given the Writ costs for the most desirable fixtures.nickturner910b14_ESO wrote: »This would allow for easier home sharing
This seems like a good idea now, but imagine the Customer Service issues that will arise when people get into arguments and want a "divorce". Extricating what objects belong to who (and who gets the house) is not something ZOS wants to deal with. Think about it.
Indeed, which is why it won't happen, it would make it easier to decorate a home with rare or hard to get items if several players' effoert could be pooled .. clearly that goes against ZOS idea of this new grind, which is obviously intended to be humongous given the Writ costs for the most desirable fixtures.nickturner910b14_ESO wrote: »This would allow for easier home sharing
Emphatic_Static wrote: »I own a home "with" my girlfriend. She farmed the blueprints, I make the items and place them, she moves them - 1,345,398 times It has been a non issue for us. Check out what we have created!