TL;DR - I will be the first to admit I have no idea what I am talking about and maybe there does not need to be any changes (except performance issues) but I do think sieging and OBJ play should be more incentivized for all players.
First, I just want to say that I like ESO and I understand people play the game for a plethora of different reasons. But I do think it would benefit the game if certain players didn't feel like they are the only ones playing OBJ in a team based game. I rarely siege. I admit it and I started to think why certain players like myself don't siege. Go ahead and add your own comments if you agree or disagree with me in terms of if people siege or if more people even need to siege.
I noticed a lot of my faction never sieges in AvAvA. AP is worth too much with all the gear you can get (with low chances of RNG) that they waste it on gear, potions, soul gems rather than siege. Inventory organizational structure is absurd (especially if you don't have ESO+) that some people don't have enough inventory space to even hassle with siege.
I don't think you should get AP for taking down a wall as that could be abused.
I don't think everyone needs to siege as I understand some people just want to kill.
But I do think there should be more reward for sieging, repairing, and defending keeps that isn't just AP as you will always outgain AP earned farming.
Since you can port to Outposts and put up camps most people in my faction port to an outpost on the other side of the map and defend it as home keeps and the whole other map is taken from them. You get more AP this way and the rest of the map doesn't matter. End of campaign rewards for being first in the campaign (although the gold is nice) can be granted to you for just having alts that get 100k AP in other factions. AP is worth too much now with the addition of Golden and Vendors that sieging or playing the campaign is worth far less than farming AP.
So, there has been a huge jump each update of less and less people in AvAvA that play OBJ...
I just feel like there isn't much incentive to siege and I don't know if there is much you can do except for maybe a siege skill line and achievement rewards.
There is no "Master Angler" for sieging. Go ahead and make a title for the guy that's repaired 5,000 walls.
There is no "Dro-m’Athra skin" or "Emperor's Regalia" for sieging. Go ahead and make an outfit for capping 10,000 enemy home keeps, or capping 1,000 Elder Scrolls.
There is "Heartlands Umber" but that's for starting there is no "end-game" Dye for capping/sieging.
I don't know make it fun. Let me "bling" out my Ram after I've taken 1,000 doors down. I'm not asking for "platinum" but something to show an achievement that other people would push towards.
Make my siege look different. Give me a burned skin for killing 10,000 Orcs with oil. Give me a miners helmet for repairing walls. Give me a leaderboard for capping keeps. Make that an AP multiplier for Emperor. Okay, okay, I know people won't want that but just brainstorm ideas and bounce them off each other until we find something that seems like it will make sieging a thing.
Would love to hear others thoughts or ideas to make OBJ more fun for the average player. Thanks.
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