We are the Knights of the Sanguine. An order of vampire knights devoted to Lamae and the protection of her children.
Inside our ranks you may role play as a Sanguine Knight. A stalwart defender of the children of Lamae, following a code of chivalry while adhering to the regulation of the Knights Commander. You may also role play as a Disciple to Lamae. Seeking to spread her gift and her teachings under the direction of the Dark Mistress.
All new members join as hopefuls to the order until a weekly event known as the choosing occurs, at which time they will be selected as a squire or acolyte and mentored on their path. Mortals may join, your mentor will turn you as part of your progression in the guild.
The child of the Blood Matron, bows to no one. The Mother has broken their bonds. To serve is their choice, but the Mother would see Her children unite and turn their opponents into subjects.