Lacerate question?

Does thrive in chaos, increase all damage done by up to 30% ot just the ulti damage? If it increases all damage done it could be really strong, yet most people pick rend.

Besides answering the question i need advice on which one to pick
  • ryanborror
    I think it's all. Somebody compared it to standard of might which also increases damage so I'd think so.
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • MakoFore
    someone on zone said they recorded 100k damage from thrive in chaos. could be.

    i just dislike how it looks like incap strike- but in a different colour. couldn't they have been a bit more imaginative?
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    Does thrive in chaos, increase all damage done by up to 30% ot just the ulti damage? If it increases all damage done it could be really strong, yet most people pick rend.

    Besides answering the question i need advice on which one to pick

    Boosts all damage. Its better than Rend if you have 3 targets up.
  • Mettaricana
    I use it on my stam sorc rips bosses and adds a new one
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