Wondering if more "active" things are on their way into the game to obtain certain items for PvP oriented players?!
Don't get me wrong, The Golden One, was an awesome addition.. but it has one issue.. it's rather 'passive' content and there's also no way to 'invest' more effort to obtain what you're after faster. ie. dungeon runners can run a dungeon all day, every day until they get their item.. whereas a PvP oriented player just has to 'wait' a week to see if the item is on the vendor, if not, wait another week and another. Nothing to speed up the process or to do something 'active' to help the process along.
And sure.. even the PvE player that grinds the dungeon 24/7 might not get what he wants any time soon (RNGesus), but at least you get the impression you're doing something about it. With the Golden One, you don't have this.
This is especially important with the new focus on making everything BoP.. some people just don't like dungeon grinds.. same as some people don't like IC grinds to get the Tel Var items... so this "request" is just as valid for a PvE player that doesn't like/want to do PvP and is after a gear set from a PvP vendor.
"Play the way you like to play" .. awesome moto for the game, which I admire and wish would be upheld also after One Tamriel hits, but I fear more and more changes are threatening this moto.
The current response to BoP questions is always, we want you to play the content... people want to play content, but might not want / enjoy the specific content where the item is obtainable.