As a compliment to a few of the threads I made recently about VMA, I figured I'd make this 1 as my closing thoughts on VMA.
To put it simply...? VMA is a video game hell. I've never once played content in a game before, that made me truly dread it. I've never touched a game that made me so: Angry, bitter, resentful, and full of hate. But VMA has done this. I have played the Dark Souls series, Bloodbourne, Mario Kart series, Ghouls and Ghosts, Contra, Castlevania, Devil May Cry series, Mega Man series, etc. Tons of games that are viewed upon as "hard", but none as ridiculous as VMA. But, what about VMA makes it so "hard". Well... It's a combination of things. An odd combination, that is rather unhealthy to put it simply. Elevated blood pressure, stress, rage, etc. are all incredibly unhealthy for the human body. And can lead to pretty serious consequences. But like... Is it that serious...?
And sure, it does become easier the more you invest your time in it... But was it worth it...? Was it worth the elevated blood pressure, the anger, the hostility, the negative emotions basically that video games are there to remove us from? After all, video games are supposed to be a form of entertainment. Something to take us away from stress, and something be used as a tool to relax. Why is it so encouraged to deal with VMA, just for weapons that 1 may end-up being no longer BIS? Why do we as members of the ESO community place such high regard for those who complete VMA, and sport such weapons?
And sure, I am more than aware of the simple fact that, "No one is forcing you to play it. You don't NEED Maelstrom weapons, and they're not required. It's just that you choose to have them." But in the end, they are kinda needed. They are needed to clear certain content, and make content easier. So in a sense, yes. You are forced to endure it. So then that begs the next question...
Why was this type of content created...? Was it created as a means of testing out the portion of "hard content" lovers of ESO, and giving them something to participate in? While also assisting the power-creep? Was it created to give a sense of accomplishment to those with high amounts of patience, and mechanics understanding? After all, a vast majority of VMA is mechanics. But then, if that were the case — why are there so many elements to RNG involved while going about performing the mechanics...? Wouldn't that be conflicting? I mean this is obvious in Stages 5, 7, and 9. As there are tons of conflicting things all about. But, for what...? What exactly is the point...?
... What is the point of VMA? I sit here now staring at my bank full of these Maelstrom Weapons, and I feel somewhat disgusted in myself. I endured so much, for digital weapons that at the end of the day don't mean a thing. I subjected myself to tons of negative emotions and my body to numerous days and evenings without sleep, and for what...? Why? I don't know actually. But, I just... I don't know. I just don't know anymore. I suppose I hit "the wall of enlightenment", but that wall makes me feel more and more foolish the more I move toward it. What was actually gained at the end of the day, besides regret and time lost that I can never get back...? Well... I don't know. I just... I just don't know. ._.