Argonian cause of the healing bonus which goesnice paired with igneous shield and vigor, realistically Kajit or red guard be better choice, dark elf if you want try magic but dark elf also have a stam passive which is,good for both stam and magic
Currently I am an imperial. Looking to switch for my stamina DPS Dk. Not sure what I should go with. I do Pve and Pvp equally.
My pve build is VMA Dagger, VMA axe, 5 Vicious Ophidian, 4 marksman, 1 bloodspawn.
Pvp I'm running 2h/bow. Hundings/viper
Thinking about orc, Khajiit, or redguard. Any suggestions and reason behind? I just wanna run something besides my imperial for awhile.
Khajiit has insane DPS (almost 10% greater damage than the others). Compared to Redguard, the damage is significantly higher and you can use a drink on a Khajiit and get higher sustain than food using Redguard and still maintain higher damage.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »
Khajiit for higher damage and redguard for sustain as long as your melee. Best classes IMO.
I've been leaning towards khajiit the most. I don't have sustain problems I'm wearing vicious Ophidian 5 piece and have 1350 Regen. I'm at 597 cp also. Really thinking khajiit eh?
Technically Vicious Ophidian gives all you need for stamina sustain as well as damage as far as PvE is what you want. After practicing the rotation a few times, it is very easy to maintain the rotation seamlessly without worrying about sustain at all, even with only 1000 regen. Helping hands and occasional Ultimates will also return health.