As some of you are probably aware, endgame PvE raiding relies strongly on group wide buffs to achieve the best results, such as spell power cure, combat prayer, war horn, etc.
Spell power cure has a limit of 6 people, thus needing two people wearing the set for the entire raid to get buffed. Same deal for combat prayer, and war horn buffs 12 players. Enough to have a raid covered.
This is where pets come in. Sorcerer pets such as the twilight and nightblade shades. They steal buffs. They can get the war horn buff, combat prayer buff and spell power cure buff. What this means, is that one other player in the raid doesn't get the buff they should be getting. If you would have 3 nightblades in your raid using the twin shades, there's a chance half of your players aren't getting the warn horn buff. This is just stupid.
I was kinda excited to try out something new with the updated necropotence set, only to remember that pets stealing buffs from your raid is a deal breaker.
Please change the way this works. Just make it so that pets can't be affected by AOE buffs.