I'm just curious on what you all would think. I'm currently stam DK with 2H and bow, and I have checked out many youtube clips on stam DK builds, but sometimes it is not so easy to follow. I have been looking to boost my stam meter to, at least into the mid-30k, but would be better if it's in the 40k, while not sacrificing on health or the majicka meters. I've also seen some posts and snapshots of some impressive DK builds with their attributes and other stats being in the higher ranges, i.e. health in the 30k, stam in the mid-30 to 40k and majicka in the mid-10k. I've been pondering to either combo a few pieces of Dreugh King Killer (DKK) with 5-pieces med Hircine/Veneer or maybe with Eternal Hunt or DKK with Vicious Ophidian, if I can ever get this VO pieces. An option that seems welcoming is DKK with Marksmen sets along with a couple monster pieces like Kena or Bloodspawn. I know how to get the Kena, but not so much on the Bloodspawn. I'm also pondering comboing some Hunding's Rage pieces with stam recovery pieces such as the Hircine/Veneer, Marksman or Eternal Hunt.
What would the better or best combo to get those higher attributes stats as well as getting weapon damage into the 4k (non vMA weapon) and hopefully having stam recovery in the 2k ranges, while still being able to have other stats, such as physical and spell resistance in the 20k ranges, maybe crit resistance still in the 1k ranges and weapon crit as least in the upper 50 percentile. Would this just be wishing thinking or quite doable? If you all good people would not mind sharing your thoughts, builds and stats on here, it will be greatly appreciated it, and I am certain this will also benefit a lot of other players.