Chi Shock.
Unleash your weapon on your target's pressure points, dealing magic damage and stunning the target.
Chi Grasp.
Target's movement speed is slowed by 30% for 6 seconds afterwards.
Chi Burn.
Deals additional damage over time.Warlord's Swipe.
A massive swipe deals conal magic damage in front of you.
Heavy Strike.
Decreases physical/spell resist of all affected targets.
Forceful Swipe.
Also stuns targets within 2 meters for 0,5 sec, interupting their casts and setting them off balance.Forceful Strike.
Deals magical damage to the target, heals for 30% of damage done.
Lethal Strike.
Deals 300% damage to targets under 30% health.
Vengeful Strike.
Auto-casts for free, after receiving a hit that deals more than 30% of your total health.Focused whirl. (channeled)
Rapidly swing your weapon around you for 6 seconds, knocking back nearby targets.
Deflection Field.
Has a 50% chance to deflects spells and projectiles, sending them back to your attacker for half of their damage.
Ancient Defence.
Also decreases your physical/spell damage taken by 30% for the duration.Wicked Blast.
Hurls a magickal blast at the target, dealing damage and stunning them for 3 seconds if target is further than 15 meters away.
Wicked Hook.
Also pulls the target to you.
Disarming Blast.
Also disarms the target for 8 seconds, causing them to deal 30% less damage.
KramUzibra wrote: »Like a destro staff.
AtmaDarkwolf wrote: »lol yea have to agree with RoyalSlyness here, seems like someone wants a superpowerd staff that breaks the game.
RoyalSlyness wrote: »So:
- A stun with a slow or a DOT.
- An AOE with stun/slow/Interrupt.
- A self heal with an execute/no cost cast.
- An AOE with a knockback with a reflect.
Balance comes from there being weaknesses and advantages. What are the weaknesses here? Why would anyone run any other weapon?
KramUzibra wrote: »Like a destro staff.
psychotic13 wrote: »I'm not after a new staff, I'd like to see a Magicka based DW option for the extra set bonus
SerpentbreeD wrote: »KramUzibra wrote: »Like a destro staff.
How is a magic based melee weapon like a destro staff? Please, enlighten me.AtmaDarkwolf wrote: »lol yea have to agree with RoyalSlyness here, seems like someone wants a superpowerd staff that breaks the game.
Not particularly. I want a decent magicka based melee weapon. All of the abilities are obviously subject to change. Sounds like you have a good alternative. Let's hear your suggestions then.
SerpentbreeD wrote: »Weapon suggestion: Battlestaff.
Melee focused magicka weapon. All weapon abilities cost magicka.
KramUzibra wrote: »Like a destro staff.
From mah analysis from several games, built in weakness/counterplay in a multiplayer setting is highly disadvantageous for the player which then creates a frustrating gameplay experience. For example we will use LoL, again, Lee Sin's kit of abilities scale well while each ability gives multiple uses for different situations. There is no built in weakness but the expectation of you as the player being able to hit your skillshots.Yet despite his overloaded kit he remains balanced because of the skillshot and high learning curve while still maintaining his unmatched power. Adding in built in weaknesses such as receiving more damage from certain sources creates emotionally/and mechanically imbalanced gameplay that is dictated by stats alone and not player choice and skill level. What I am trying to say is built in weaknesses just serve to hurt the overall gameplay experience.RoyalSlyness wrote: »So:
- A stun with a slow or a DOT.
- An AOE with stun/slow/Interrupt.
- A self heal with an execute/no cost cast.
- An AOE with a knockback with a reflect.
Balance comes from there being weaknesses and advantages. What are the weaknesses here? Why would anyone run any other weapon?
Isn't a "magicka based melee weapon" a contradiction in terms?
You aren't simply describing a destro staff, you're combining a destro staff with a resto staff, applying the best skills of every class in this and every other MMO and then endowing the resulting battle staff with god mode.
No thanks.
Finishers with a heal are not unique. Nightblades have one of their own.Also, just picking two of your suggested skills at random:-
Forceful Strike - how does striking a friendly target forcefully heal them?
Why would such an ability not be appropriate, while hidden blade (dualwield) is, apparently? It's quite similar.Wicked Blast - how is hurling a magickal blast appropriate to a melee weapon?
A melee bash. Deals moderate damage and applies a mild cc or status effect according to the element.
Smashes the ground, applying a defensive buff and creating a short ranged defensive effect according to the element. Lightning could be a knock back. Ice could freeze enemies in place. Fire could spurt lava, snaring and damaging? Idk.
This is an idea thread. Stop being judgmental and uncreative, and start trading ideas!