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[Suggestion] New weapon type: Battlestaff

Weapon suggestion: Battlestaff.
Melee focused magicka weapon. All weapon abilities cost magicka. I didn't include passive abilities, because I didn't find it necessary.
It would be the usual stuff. Spell resistance buffs/debuffs, mana management, you know the drill.
Figured it'd be fun to try and "invent" a melee focused magicka weapon.

I would also very much like to hear your thoughts on such a weapon and it's possibilities.
Have a better suggestion for an ability, or a name? Any feedback is welcome.

Chi Shock.
Unleash your weapon on your target's pressure points, dealing magic damage and stunning the target.
Chi Grasp.
Target's movement speed is slowed by 30% for 6 seconds afterwards.
Chi Burn.
Deals additional damage over time.
Warlord's Swipe.
A massive swipe deals conal magic damage in front of you.
Heavy Strike.
Decreases physical/spell resist of all affected targets.
Forceful Swipe.
Also stuns targets within 2 meters for 0,5 sec, interupting their casts and setting them off balance.
Forceful Strike.
Deals magical damage to the target, heals for 30% of damage done.
Lethal Strike.
Deals 300% damage to targets under 30% health.
Vengeful Strike.
Auto-casts for free, after receiving a hit that deals more than 30% of your total health.
Focused whirl. (channeled)
Rapidly swing your weapon around you for 6 seconds, knocking back nearby targets.
Deflection Field.
Has a 50% chance to deflects spells and projectiles, sending them back to your attacker for half of their damage.
Ancient Defence.
Also decreases your physical/spell damage taken by 30% for the duration.
Wicked Blast.
Hurls a magickal blast at the target, dealing damage and stunning them for 3 seconds if target is further than 15 meters away.
Wicked Hook.
Also pulls the target to you.
Disarming Blast.
Also disarms the target for 8 seconds, causing them to deal 30% less damage.
Edited by SerpentbreeD on July 21, 2016 5:10PM
The path to enlightenment is paved with the corpses of the mindless.
  • KramUzibra
    Like a destro staff.
  • RoyalSlyness

    - A stun with a slow or a DOT.
    - An AOE with stun/slow/Interrupt.
    - A self heal with an execute/no cost cast.
    - An AOE with a knockback with a reflect.

    Balance comes from there being weaknesses and advantages. What are the weaknesses here? Why would anyone run any other weapon?
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    lol yea have to agree with RoyalSlyness here, seems like someone wants a superpowerd staff that breaks the game.
  • SerpentbreeD
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Like a destro staff.

    How is a magic based melee weapon like a destro staff? Please, enlighten me.
    lol yea have to agree with RoyalSlyness here, seems like someone wants a superpowerd staff that breaks the game.

    Not particularly. I want a decent magicka based melee weapon. All of the abilities are obviously subject to change. Sounds like you have a good alternative. Let's hear your suggestions then.
    Edited by SerpentbreeD on July 21, 2016 7:34PM
    The path to enlightenment is paved with the corpses of the mindless.
  • psychotic13
    I'm not after a new staff, I'd like to see a Magicka based DW option for the extra set bonus
  • SerpentbreeD

    - A stun with a slow or a DOT.
    - An AOE with stun/slow/Interrupt.
    - A self heal with an execute/no cost cast.
    - An AOE with a knockback with a reflect.

    Balance comes from there being weaknesses and advantages. What are the weaknesses here? Why would anyone run any other weapon?

    Stun/slow combos already exist. I didn't list any costs here, but obviously all abilities would cost magicka. I don't want something particularly overpowered, I want something on par with other weapons, but filling in a gap that exists right now. Bows cover the physical ranged aspect, staves cover magic ranged. DW and 2H cover physical melee. Seems we lack a magic based melee weapon. I wouldn't mind changing every single ability to end up with something on par with other weapons, as long as the core idea remains.

    Also, one obvious weakness I could think of is a lack of direct single target damage. Gap closers exist and aren't a bad thing. Stuns already can't be spammed, regardless of how many stuns your class/build/weapon type has. Obviously that wouldn't be any different here. The "Focused Whirl" wouldn't deal any damage, making it a defensive, channeled ability, that may be entirely useless to most builds and could easily be countered with a little bit of insight. If such an ability would be very expensive, costing mana over time, it would be impossible to keep up for very long, making it an emergency PvP ability. But I agree, at a second glance, some of these abilities need to change, I would love your input on how to do that.
    Edited by SerpentbreeD on July 21, 2016 7:25PM
    The path to enlightenment is paved with the corpses of the mindless.
  • SerpentbreeD
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Like a destro staff.
    I'm not after a new staff, I'd like to see a Magicka based DW option for the extra set bonus

    In all honesty, both would be ideal. Especially if their performance would be somewhat similar to their physical counterparts. This game wants class diversity, melee focused magic weapons are just what it needs.
    The path to enlightenment is paved with the corpses of the mindless.
  • ParaNostram
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Like a destro staff.

    How is a magic based melee weapon like a destro staff? Please, enlighten me.
    lol yea have to agree with RoyalSlyness here, seems like someone wants a superpowerd staff that breaks the game.

    Not particularly. I want a decent magicka based melee weapon. All of the abilities are obviously subject to change. Sounds like you have a good alternative. Let's hear your suggestions then.

    Makes thread about idea for a superpowered weapon, gets defensive over people pointing out how stupidly OP this weapon would be
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  • Pandorii
    How about a battle rod? One handed, so it can be used as dual wield or with a shield. =)
  • Acrolas
    Weapon suggestion: Battlestaff.
    Melee focused magicka weapon. All weapon abilities cost magicka.


    signing off
  • Tandor
    Isn't a "magicka based melee weapon" a contradiction in terms? Also, just picking two of your suggested skills at random:-

    Forceful Strike - how does striking a friendly target forcefully heal them?

    Wicked Blast - how is hurling a magickal blast appropriate to a melee weapon?

    You aren't simply describing a destro staff, you're combining a destro staff with a resto staff, applying the best skills of every class in this and every other MMO and then endowing the resulting battle staff with god mode.

    No thanks.
  • KochDerDamonen
    I think it would be cool if one ofthe spells was like Molag Kena's flip-hit. Maybe havethe lignhtning ver. Multihit like hers
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Icy_Waffles
    Meh. I see what you're going for. What you are choosing is all strength no weakness as was said.

    However. I'd personally prefer bound weapons which can have their normal attacks come from magicka instead of stam for casters as a way to have better duel welding for magicka builds that have heavy and light attacks that actually do some damage.
  • Baconlad
    What about handheld dualweld runes. Like rocks that have arcane (fire, frost shock variants) qualities when you light/ heavy attack a bound weapon comes out to attack. Only melee based. Giving the same spell power as dw swords currently. Giving us melee based magicka skills. Also...buff two handed and staves to be more of an option for builds...right now as a templar/ dragon knight, using staves gimps us into having to use crushing shock...which sucks. Cause the skill doesn't do enough damage to warant its use over sweeps...also it looks *** ***. Now templars do have it better than DKs...we at least have ranged spam abilities. But DF spam is horrible 1v1, so hard to hit with in this *** dodge spam meta. Let me come across a dizzing swing monkey and try to get ONE dark flare to hit good friggin luck. And vamps bane? Stupid to spam
  • Ragnaarok
    This game needs off hand Mage books for magicka builds before any new fancy melee staff thing
    Edited by Ragnaarok on July 23, 2016 10:13PM
  • ArchMikem
    It sounds like OP just wants to make the Destro Staff better than it is. Admittedly, some of the abilities he/she/whatever came up with sounds pretty awesome, but then that's the red flag right there. Skills have to be half good and half bad, and these sound like they're tailor made to handle what the game throws at us.

    A more appropriate way of bringing your idea to life OP wouldn't be creating a new Weapon Skill line, but a new class altogether, the Battle Mage.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
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  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Can we get weapon ultimates first ?
  • illusionarythade
    I just want a melee staff ;-; expanded weapons in general, battlestaves, spears, crossbows, true one handed skill, polearm skill etc etc x-x
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  • Brittany_Joy
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Like a destro staff.

    ...but not.

    - A stun with a slow or a DOT.
    - An AOE with stun/slow/Interrupt.
    - A self heal with an execute/no cost cast.
    - An AOE with a knockback with a reflect.

    Balance comes from there being weaknesses and advantages. What are the weaknesses here? Why would anyone run any other weapon?
    From mah analysis from several games, built in weakness/counterplay in a multiplayer setting is highly disadvantageous for the player which then creates a frustrating gameplay experience. For example we will use LoL, again, Lee Sin's kit of abilities scale well while each ability gives multiple uses for different situations. There is no built in weakness but the expectation of you as the player being able to hit your skillshots.Yet despite his overloaded kit he remains balanced because of the skillshot and high learning curve while still maintaining his unmatched power. Adding in built in weaknesses such as receiving more damage from certain sources creates emotionally/and mechanically imbalanced gameplay that is dictated by stats alone and not player choice and skill level. What I am trying to say is built in weaknesses just serve to hurt the overall gameplay experience.

    I would also like to mention that, in LoL, champions with built in counterplay have the lowest win percentages. Simply adding in weaknesses and counterplay for the sake of it just serve to hurt the champion's win rate and ability to be a viable choice for the player. So too much counterplay is a bad thing.

    I think I am rambling but built in weaknesses require more thought or else you just hurt the gameplay experience. People will choose and play whatever they like despite the META.
    Edited by Brittany_Joy on July 24, 2016 1:26AM
  • Averya_Teira
    Seems kinda OP...
  • KenaPKK
    Go away, monkeys. The premise here is good.

    I imagine a melee offensive magicka weapon. Dual wield would be ideal, but that feels watered down to me. 2h is good, same as now.

    Burst heals have no place in a battle staff skill line, same as 2h or destro. A heal over time would be neat and would add some utility and survivability to a melee brawler weapon. Applying the hot would have to be riskier or more of a trade off than rally, though.

    The battlestaff could be elemental like destro. I'd expect it to be.

    Two abilities that come to mind:

    A melee bash. Deals moderate damage and applies a mild cc or status effect according to the element.

    Smashes the ground, applying a defensive buff and creating a short ranged defensive effect according to the element. Lightning could be a knock back. Ice could freeze enemies in place. Fire could spurt lava, snaring and damaging? Idk.

    This is an idea thread. Stop being judgmental and uncreative, and start trading ideas!
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • KenaPKK
    Oh, and there needs to be a solid gap closer. This would give templars and DKs a much needed new tool in their kits as well as a new offensive weapon line.

    When coming up with ideas here, ask yourself "what tools do magicka mageblades, magicka sorcs, magplars, and mDKs need?" Not just what sounds cool.
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • SerpentbreeD
    Tandor wrote: »
    Isn't a "magicka based melee weapon" a contradiction in terms?

    You aren't simply describing a destro staff, you're combining a destro staff with a resto staff, applying the best skills of every class in this and every other MMO and then endowing the resulting battle staff with god mode.

    No thanks.

    I stated multiple times now that all of the abilities are subject to change. Of course I don't want an overpowered weapon, I want a melee focused magicka weapon. Either way.
    Tandor wrote: »
    Also, just picking two of your suggested skills at random:-

    Forceful Strike - how does striking a friendly target forcefully heal them?
    Finishers with a heal are not unique. Nightblades have one of their own.
    Tandor wrote: »
    Wicked Blast - how is hurling a magickal blast appropriate to a melee weapon?
    Why would such an ability not be appropriate, while hidden blade (dualwield) is, apparently? It's quite similar.

    Also, I would want to state yet again that when it comes to abilities, I'm open for better ideas.

    KenaPKK wrote: »
    A melee bash. Deals moderate damage and applies a mild cc or status effect according to the element.

    Smashes the ground, applying a defensive buff and creating a short ranged defensive effect according to the element. Lightning could be a knock back. Ice could freeze enemies in place. Fire could spurt lava, snaring and damaging? Idk.

    This is an idea thread. Stop being judgmental and uncreative, and start trading ideas!

    Sounds like an excellent idea. I initially aimed for maybe a weapon focused on magicka damage, rather than elemental damage, but this could work, too. As for your second post, I'm not knowledgeable about each class to know what they need most. I could use more of these ideas. Thanks anyway, you at least got what I'm aiming for with this thread.


    Towards anyone still assuming that I simply want an overpowered weapon: I don't. My abilites were examples. I'm aware that they aren't perfect. I'm not defensive about any of this. I can't really see how me appreciating input equals me being defensive. I'm pretty sure it's quite the opposite. You're not going to want to accept that because you already pictured me a certain way, but I at least want to say I listen to feedback, even if some of it is completely not constructive, or even borderline trolling.
    The path to enlightenment is paved with the corpses of the mindless.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    They mean Magicka based weapons that are close ranged as opposed to long ranged magicka weapons...

    Stamina Based Weapons / Light and Heavy Attacks scale off of Weapon Damage
    1 Hand and Shield - Melee
    Dual Wield - Melee
    Two Handed - Melee
    Bow - Ranged

    Magicka Based Weapons / Light and Heavy Attacks scale off of Spell Damage
    Destruction Staff - Ranged
    Restoration Staff - Ranged
    Battlestaff - Melee

    The Battle Staff skill tree could be similar to the Two Handed Weapons but the abilities will use your Magicka and not your Stamina, I seriously don't see how this is OP seeing as Mages would have to get into Melee range to use them where they are most vulnerable as most of them where Light armour which gives them virtually no protection.

    How is that hard to understand?
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on July 25, 2016 6:29AM
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