New player here, looking for a first guild and yours sounds exactly like what I'm looking for!
Play mostly on weekends when I can "life comes first etc :P" but on for an hour or so a day.
Let me know if all good!
Very interested in this group. I'm a returning player, been away for over a year so started a new character. Templar, most likely going heals. Am interested in crafting and dungeons as well as assisting the group in any way I can.
LordVisceral wrote: »This sounds like EXACTLY what i am looking for. I'm an old school MMO guy, and back in the day this was the kind of guild I was in. Very close helpful people. i am sort of new to ESO, I actually played beta and little bit went it went live but lost interest. Now that they have mad some great improvements to the game I am back a ready for a new chapter in my MMO life.
So YES, please shoot me an invite. I will be on all weekend on and off trying to level up.
Cheers! @LordVisceral
I would love to join your guild.
Have just recently begun playing on the NA server but have been playing on the EU for almost a year.
My gt are: @MaryHex
If you still accept
I have just started playing ESO but I was also on WOW for a long time. Your guild sounds like just the ticket if you are still accepting new people. I play very late night early morning, not too many hours.
Autumnraven wrote: »Greetings! I'm currently looking to join a casual guild in hopes of making some ESO friends. Your guild sounds like what I'm looking for and I'd be interested in joining up!
Hope to see you in game!
Good day @Vixen_Wild
Wanderers of Tamriel sounds like a guild right up our alley.
We, myself and two mates are from Brisbane ,Australia and we are our own trio of gamers. We have a moniker of Nomads (our teamspeak3 server is named so too)
We have just started playing ESO and have so far enjoyed it and have started devoting more time to it.
We all have young families and are mostly casual gamers ,playing 3-4 nights a week.
If we may join your guild and find other adventurers willing to take an arrow to knee with us we would be very grateful.
Myself @Bucksterza and Mike @Sep_hiroth are on most evenings. Cam @gameki11er is a hard working bloke who travels a bit but when he is home he is available.
please consider adding us Nomads to your guild'
stridingcloud_nzrwb17_ESO wrote: »id like to join you guys, if your still recruiting