Executioner 2h ability not working as intended.

Title pretty much says the point of this thread. Tool tip is wrong. Clearly very wrong

Scenario: my numbers are not accurate but this is purely an example.

Enemy is at 20% health... I cast 2h ability Executioner... with 3k weapon damage and 30k max stamina I hit said enemy for around let's say 3k non crit.... enemy doesnt heal due to being stunned extra.. enemy is now roughly on around 10% health, I then cast executioner again and hit maybe 4 or 5k damage, leaving enemy pretty much 1 hit from dying.... I then have to cast executioner again... this time hitting 9k let's say... killing and executing enemy.

I cannot see how the mechanics of this ability are accurate to the tool tip. I understand you shouldn't be able to be insta killed by someone just because your health falls below 20%... but that's pretty much what radiant destruction does.

My theories behind why this ability works like this is that the ability is programmed to execute someone from a cretain amount of health... not a percentage.

Let's say my enemy has 35k max health 20% of their health is 7k. Let's say their health is 20k max, 20% is 4k... well my theory is that the ability as I've mentioned is to execute someone when they have a certain amount of health left... maybe 3 or 4k? Instead of it being a percentage.

This means that if for some reason your build only has 12k health (God help you lol)... you could theoretically execute someone with this ability from a much higher percentage of their current remaining health.

Yet again I will say I have no data to prove this and frankly I can't be bothered to sit and provide this data as playing on xbox, recording the clips and uploading etc is a lot harder work than let's say the PC format.... but I'm sure people will understand what I mean and have experienced this themselves.

Classic example is I have a lot of players on other factions that I have mutual respect for and we tend not to engage in combat with each other in open world, sometimes we duel etc... and as a joke when people aren't dueling each other... we literally spam executioner on each other at full health because the damage you are doing is so non existant they understand your not trying to be aggressive and see the funny side. This is also pretty much the same case with endless fury or what ever.

Spam radiant d on someone from full health and see what happens if you don't try to heal through it ;)

Anyway.... keep the thread chill guys.... not about animosity... this is a video game after all. Why be so serious :p
Edited by d3nbark3r on August 16, 2016 11:55AM
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  • Asmael
    I'll go ahead and say that some execute abilities are bugged out, and that this should be fixed before actually rebalancing the executes (hello Jesus beam, altho Poison Injection is in there too).

    Ever wondered why Jesus beam seemed to hit you with full strength thru a mist form? Ever wondered why Ibomez (vICP) can be killed while at the pool with Poison Injection and Jesus beam while other abilities don't even scratch him? Mage's wrath didn't seem to work, and I haven't seen Killer's blade nor Executioner on him, so can't say about those.

    Well there you go. There's a big miscalculation with execute damage somewhere, ignoring part of the mitigation, and it probably made a lot of people very sad over some ticks (if you see what I mean).
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  • Moglijuana
    This would explain why my poison injections hit harder than my executioners in Cyrodiil...and also how I still get insta killed by RD in mist form sometimes...balance by @Wrobel is a wonderful thing!
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