I previously logged a ticket ref 160613-002823 on 13th June about the GM of my 480 player guild being long term offline for 4-5 months. During this time, I as guild 2nd have been acting GM, managing the guild and being the only one able to do the trader bid and boot players. A few days later I got an email from a nice guy called Peter thanking me for letting him know, and saying that you'd look into who should be GM and sort it out. Great I thought, at least you're checking and not just letting randoms take over guilds. This didn't seem to require a response from me, but after having heard nothing a few days later I replied saying thanks and hope it gets sorted asap. Today, over a week later, I get an email from a dour fellow called Derek, telling me sorry but you're busy and so aren't going to do anything and are closing my ticket. Oh and he helpfully gave me a load of random unrelated advice about login issues. WTF ZOS??? You can't do that!! I have subscribed since launch, I thought part of that was for a support service. How is an issue affecting a large player guild bottom priority and allowed to just be marked as 'solved' and cancelled like this? Please look into this asap, this really is unacceptable. Please just promote somebody actively online to GM, past caring who, asap. Have logged this again as 160624-003751.