I think the low-pop bonus is backfiring on Azura. EP does not have a significant presence, yet their scoring due to low-pop bonus makes them the primary threat to DC. We would like to let EP have a few keeps for the sake of diplomacy, perhaps even their own scrolls to help them remain competitive, and yet the scoring imbalance makes them the primary threat and thus public enemy #1. We feel like we HAVE to take their keeps and resources in order to keep their score in check. Perhaps there are other ways to reward low pop, such as increased AP percentages, that would lure people to an underpopulated campaign without instigating unnecessary brutality against the underpopulated faction.
Guildmama: AssemblyOfSafetyNSecurity
Vindemiatrix, V16 DC DK, Master Angler
holee hand grenade, V16 DC Templar, Master Angler