Something that I've noticed with regards to district capture is that due to the guards' extended stealth detection range, it is no longer possible to sneak along the moat if your alliance is not in control of the district. Based on the changes to the landscape layout of the gates, I think it would be a good idea to move the new capture flags to the top level of the steps, right next to the gate, so there is less of an impact on people who are in stealth to avoid the Daedra. This would also provide a more interesting capture location, due to the new steps that lead up to that platform from the sides. That gives three attack angles for the capture point if it was moved to the top of the steps. Posting a guard on each of those side routes would also make it seem more of a defensible location for the alliance, in addition to the above suggestion of putting a barricade in at the current PTS location of the flag.
I've also looked around the districts for extra capture locations, since additional capture points would make gaining control of the district a more interesting mechanic. In most of the districts, there are a number of empty upstairs rooms with a large central area that would be a good location for another flag, and which would also be defensible by alliance soldiers. Where the number of upstairs rooms was low, I marked a few small downstairs rooms which are otherwise empty. In Elven Gardens and Memorial districts I also marked a couple of defensible exterior locations.
Finding good potential capture points was a bit more difficult in the Arboretum and Arena districts due to the lack of accessible interiors. In Arena district there are a couple of pits where Daedra are torturing citizens that could be repurposed, and there are some empty chambers in the Arena building itself that could be commandeered. In Arboretum, I think the only way to add capture points would involve a bit of re-landscaping to make a good defensible position, as otherwise putting an alliance flag in the middle of Daedra would look out of place, but a couple of locations near ruined statues would work for this, as there are no Daedra in the immediate vicinity. These locations could be enclosed by fence barricades to appear more defensible.
All of these potential capture point locations are marked on the attached map with a flag icon. Those exterior locations which would require a bit of landscaping have the proposed "fences" drawn on in red and "barricades" in blue. I have also moved the existing capture location to the proposed location at the top of the steps, marked by a banner icon. Finally, for orientation, the alliance rally points are marked on the map with coloured banners.