Now lets be honest here, we all like finding materials to craft new powerful items. But lets all agree that we hate it when our bank gets full with a bunch of crafting items and we're forced to carry that some of that stuff, which in turn takes up our inventory space, just as much as it takes so much bank space.
Now I know that we can upgrade the space in our inventory and bank, but just think about it, those upgrades are expensive and they get increasingly MORE expensive the more you upgrade. It's awfully time consuming and it just makes me wish I could spend that gold on something that's more important than just inventory and bank space.
Zenimax, please read this and think about this decision. I honestly hate how fast it is to fill up my bank space. Especially since there's all different kinds of enchanting runes that can REALLY take up that space too. I have so many runes in my bank, that it's almost impossible to leave some space in my bank and I hate carrying that stuff in my inventory too.