I have a decent video card, although not a top one because in my country things you pay 120$ I pay 1200$ (more or less) and as such I'm very aware of my limitations, and because of this I don't play with my graphics on Ultra, although it works perfectly in that settings for regular PvE.
But inside both of these trials the FPS drop is ridiculous and with this crap of animation prioritization fighting becomes so slow that I barely see what's happening or what I'm doing.
People say that the FPS drop is usually because of the number of mobs on screen. I do have some FPS drop while fighting the mobs before the Mantikora, but although low it's not as bad as against the Mantikora himself, which is ONE "aggressive element", shall we say.
In the Maw of Lorkhaj the situation is the same. Against the final boss, which is, again, ONE thing to shoot, I had, right now, 4 FPS. And I'm using the x64 client which, theoretically should ease out anything that the graphics card could possibly not handle.
Even worse! If the team is not fast enough to laser beam the things that should be laser-ed (I could barely see their names) there will have more and more combatants and more and more lag.
There are addons enabled, of course, but I tested without them too without any improvement. Worse! If I disable FTC, for example, sometimes I can't figure my "color" during the yin-yang-a-like boss in the Maw of the Lokhaj because the effect sometimes don't appear on my head.
I tried to lower EVEN MORE graphics quality within game settings, view distance at minimum, subsampling at minimum, the game is just a bit more than a colored blur and I should play perfectly because my specs are enough to run the game. I'm at 60 FPS, the maximum of my current monitor, almost all the time.
I invested something like 1500$, of my country's currency, in the video-card, the game, all DLCs to really support your job and I can't do anything more than just the basics. I even stay away of PvP because I heard that things are even worse in there.
And I'm not the first person complaining! C'mon ZOS, we are your clients! We paid for the whole product you created! When this is going to be fixed , or at least addressed to not be this kind of nightmare, so we can use the whole product not just half of it! >:(
Edited by magnusthorek on March 13, 2016 11:26PM I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.