I can't say anything that hasn't been said a dozen times in much more elegant and thought out language than I could manage, but here I go. ZOS, do yourselves and your player base a favor and add Necromancy to the game.
How is it doing us a favor? Necromancy is awesome. Next question.
How is it doing ZOS a favor? Have you SEEN how hardcore people who play primarily Necromancers on anything are? Look at Blizzard and the uproar when they removed the Necromancer in Diablo III, Necromancy fans tore up every means of communication with Blizzard! Hardcore fans of playing a Necromancer STILL play Diablo II just because sweet Dragon God of Time did they appreciate the chance to play a Necromancer and play one right. This game could offer a brilliant Necromancy experience. Give it to us.
Players prone to necromancy are players that usually enjoy experimenting. They come at you with unorthodox out of left field approaches to problems, it's great! Did I mention they're hardcore? Look at how in depth the Necromancy mods have been for every TES game. The second a necromancer sees necromancy, they think "how can I make this better?"
Idk, I'm tired, running on very little sleep. I'm a little loopy right now. Rant over.
"Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."
Para Nostram
Bosmer Sorceress
Witch of Evermore
"Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
Order of the Black Worm