What kind of stucture/race style do you want? Or perhaps something else? I never stopped being in love with my home in an Oblivion DLC, a house of sithis with the entrance out on water and an incerdible place to be inside and look around. Ahhhh good memories.
So anyway what else? Servents or merchants or companions or something else.
What location do you see yourself in? What kind of design, an instanced home in the city or country or something cut of so you can build something special ( like skyrim )
Or perhaps a neighbourhood like LOTRO that is both instanced and customization.
Alot of storage for clothes, gear and weapons or anything really.
Manniquins and display cases to show of gear is a must, being able to display ALL kind of trophes, collectables and books?
I really hope its not an empty home some npc vendors or companions would help alot.
I put alot of my own hope here too : ) but im sure alot of you agree, but anyway I wanna here about my fellow ESO fans dream homes : )