RoamingRiverElk wrote: »Fights against shieldbreaker users are usually delicious 1 vs 1. ^^ (or when you can get a bit of a break from the others fighting you and you can focus on that bow light attack spammer)
SemiD4rkness wrote: »
Until you meet someone using that set who can actually play ^^ (cc, dodge, heal) and not just light attack
I mostly only use hardened ward, occasionally i will use harness as well depending on who i'm up against (or when my battle spirit decides to break) but for the most part i am okay with just Hardened.
or you know just kite the shieldbreaker around a Rock so they can never deal enough damage to kill you. did something similar with Ali Sabre once, it was funny.
SemiD4rkness wrote: »
Until you meet someone using that set who can actually play ^^ (cc, dodge, heal) and not just light attack
tbh, given the gross stamina vs magika damage unbalance, I only slot Harness/Dampen magika for playing with/against bomb groups, in open world I don't encounter enough tough magika builds to burst hardened + healing ward to be worth using up the slot. If I'm running overload for 3rd bar I'll usually put harness and hardened ward on it, since healing ward isn't available
Edit: Also, shieldbreaker is a joke, as long as the sorc is somewhat aware of what's going on around them they're gonna burst you down long before you can kill them, it only becomes effective when there are multiple people using it imo, and even then, if you kite and LoS carefully you can mitigate almost all of it, given that sorc burst is based on timing skills with delays to hit at the same time they have a HUGE advantage against kited opponents
SemiD4rkness wrote: »
Until you meet someone using that set who can actually play ^^ (cc, dodge, heal) and not just light attack
Yeah but if youre rolling around with harness on, and are getting SB procced on, theres no way to shut it off or get anything back from it.
At least hardened and healing ablate from it, harness just stays up stupidly.
no amount of this is going to matter, shieldbreaker is total and absolute garbage against a good sorc, all your dodging, CC, and heal and you're still gonna have infinitely less dps and burst than said sorc, all it takes is 1 curse,frags,db to kill any stam build.
You don't need any return from harness against SB, not having shields up against SB users is actually worse than having them up, since with shields up they can only do very minimal direct health damage, SB doesn't become strong until its couple with other burst that you have to start stacking shields to mitigate, which is why being clever with LoS is so crucial, fortunately stam builds can't run that 5 pc hundings with SB so they lose out on a significant amount of burst.
As was stated previously, SB is actually most effective when it catches someone by surprise, nobody is dying to it when they know what's going on, nobody good at least
no amount of this is going to matter, shieldbreaker is total and absolute garbage against a good sorc, all your dodging, CC, and heal and you're still gonna have infinitely less dps and burst than said sorc, all it takes is 1 curse,frags,db to kill any stam build.
You don't need any return from harness against SB, not having shields up against SB users is actually worse than having them up, since with shields up they can only do very minimal direct health damage, SB doesn't become strong until its couple with other burst that you have to start stacking shields to mitigate, which is why being clever with LoS is so crucial, fortunately stam builds can't run that 5 pc hundings with SB so they lose out on a significant amount of burst.
As was stated previously, SB is actually most effective when it catches someone by surprise, nobody is dying to it when they know what's going on, nobody good at least
I have found trying to refresh 3 shield stacks just keeps you on the defensive. Right now, for me anyway, in a 1v1 scenario it's kind of a race to see who puts who on the defense first.
no amount of this is going to matter, shieldbreaker is total and absolute garbage against a good sorc, all your dodging, CC, and heal and you're still gonna have infinitely less dps and burst than said sorc, all it takes is 1 curse,frags,db to kill any stam build.
You don't need any return from harness against SB, not having shields up against SB users is actually worse than having them up, since with shields up they can only do very minimal direct health damage, SB doesn't become strong until its couple with other burst that you have to start stacking shields to mitigate, which is why being clever with LoS is so crucial, fortunately stam builds can't run that 5 pc hundings with SB so they lose out on a significant amount of burst.
As was stated previously, SB is actually most effective when it catches someone by surprise, nobody is dying to it when they know what's going on, nobody good at least